Finally there – and difficult feelings


Right now I’m in Zambia, next to Lake Kariba. Planned this trip a good while ago, among other to keep me busy doing something exciting while I’m waiting for the CI. It is a good strategy for me to have my mind on something else than such a frustrating thing like the CI-waiting….

Just  before I left I received a letter from the hospital calling me to the second appointment. To my great regret, this coincided with my planned trip 😦

But sometimes in life things have to go as planned, and I have asked the hospital for a new appointment. I feel like a traitor.

I have asked and nagged for this CI surgery for so long, and now when the appointment for the second and last examination finally appeared, it appeared before I expected (I asked the hospital a few weeks back when to expect something to happen).

lake kariba 009And it also seems I will get problems bringing my girlfriend with me on the second appointment. This is the session where all the information is given, and I have to find a way to get her to come along… She needs that information even more than I do… We’ll have to work something out, I guess… Take care of it when we get there, I guess….

Anyway, the date is now 18.06.09! 🙂 This is the second and final examination before the actual surgery.

Looking forward to it with both a little fear but mostly with great joy!

Meanwhile I’m having a great time here at the greates man-made dam in all of Afrika, just as planned! I intend to forget my difficult feelings and just absorb all the impressions and enjoy them. I feel I deserve it!

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